yakuza 6: the song of life (ps4)
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Enter the 'Dragon engine' - Explore the world of Yakuza like never before. Yakuza 6 is the first current-gen Yakuza title that was developed from the ground up for the PS4, Introducing the seedy Japanese underworld with detailed visuals, lifelike animations, a new physics engine, interactive storefronts, seamless transitions and more. That's right! Fights can start on the streets and end in a pile of shattered glass, scattered snacks, and bruised bodies on the floor of the nearest poppo convenience store. explore Kamurocho Reborn and the scenic views of Onomichi - speaking of Dragon engine, the hypnotic lights, opportunistic inhabitants, and hedonistic distractions of Kamurocho look better than ever. Revamped minigames like karaoke, batting cages, darts, hostesses, and the SEGA Arcade have been streamlined for maximum pleasure, and new additions like the RIZAP gym, Cat Cafe, and Clan creator are the perfect distractions after a long night of bashing heads! But it's also time to get

