Defiance Floral Ivory Area Rug
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Our selection of elegant, exquisite, beautiful modern and oriental rugs add the perfect finishing touch to your living room, dining room, bedroom or any other area in your home. Affordable and refined, our finely crafted area rugs span a wide array of sizes, shapes, materials, color schemes and designs. Take your pick from a vast assortment of chic, abstract rugs that will pull any room together, and save a bundle while doing so. As you'll quickly see, our modern and oriental rugs couldn't be lovelier--or more competitively priced, Shopping for area rugs is a lot more enjoyable when you know you'll be getting the very best. You will get that and much more by selecting a stunning, modern rug from our incredible collection. At long last, you don't have to spend a small fortune to own a beautiful rug that adds genuine elegance and style to your home, and you can rest assured that any rug that you purchase from us is of the finest quality. Rug Size: 5' x 7'



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