ADC120S | 100% GAC Original! (12 Volt)| Universal Electric Actuator | Designed to control engine speed with fast and precise response to transient load changes | Reliable and Easy to Operate


Save Energy Cost by regulating the engine speed according to load requirements. GAC components are the best way of governing a generator where strict control of engine speed is desired irrespective of engine load.ADC120S Rotary Actuators / Sized for Engines up to 150 hp / 1.0 lb-ft Torque / For Small Inline Fuel Pumps or Carburetors | (12 or 24 VDC / Commercial Connector / 25° Rotation / Serrated Shaft).Rotary output linear torque proportional servo - Small, low cost, low friction model - 1.0 lb-ft of torque - Suitable for rotary or small inline fuel pumps of small carburetors - Ideal for fuel systems on engines up to 150 HP.GAC high performance speed control system are application based and consist of four major components: flywheel, magnetic speed pickup, speed controller and an actuator.Application in: MILlitary grade equipment, Rail, Marine, Industrial, Heavy Machinery, Gaseous Engines, Power Generation, Oil & Gas and much more... GAC is ISO 9001 certified | We carry the complete line of Governors America Corp products, email Thunder Parts your requirements!

