OPtimeal Grain-Free Dog Food - Proudly Ukrainian - Dog Food Wet Recipe to Help Support Healthy Digestion, Non-Grain Wet Dog Food Pouches for Adult Dogs (4.5lbs Total (24 Pouches), Liver & Turkey)


FRESH LIVER AND TURKEY - Optimeal non-grain wet food for dogs is prepared using fresh liver and turkey and a number of highly nutritional ingredients to provide a wholesome recipe for dogs that have sensitive digestive systems..COMPLETE & BALANCED RECIPE - Just like you, your dog also needs complete and balanced nutrition to be healthy. Optimeal grain-free dog wet food is complete and balanced to support dogs’ optimum health and wellbeing..SUPPORTS HEALTHY DIGESTION - Optimeal moist dog food supports healthy digestion with a blend of highly digestible protein, prebiotic FOS, and fiber to keep your dog’s tummies healthy and happy.SUPPORTS HEALTHY SKIN AND A SHINY COAT - Optimal skin health is dependent on many factors. Our grain-free wet dog food recipe supports healthy skin and a shiny coat with Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids.NO ADDITIVES AND EXCIPIENTS - Optimeal grain-free wet dog food toppers are made from the highest quality ingredients with zero artificial colors, flavors, soy products or genetically engineered ingredients. There are also NO grains to interfere with your furry friend's digestive tract!



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