Atrium Musicae De Madrid - Musique Arabo-andalouse (CD)
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While recreating this music, which dominated Granada from the eighth century until the fall of the Caliphate in January 1492, Atrium Musicae de Madrid steeped themselves in the atmosphere that still reigns in the Alcazar, the Alhambra, and the mosque of Córdoba. For these musicians, it evokes the love of life and the taste for beauty that pervaded Arab-Andalusian everyday life. This recording, from October 1976, which has never left the catalogue, continues to transport us into the world of the nawbas, the highly elaborate musical sequences typical of Al-Andalus. Track List: Disc: 1 1. Inshad Rasd Ad - Dail - Insiraf Darj Raml Al-Mya 2. Touchia Al-Istihlal - Sana'a Qaim Va Nisf Garibach Al-Hossain 3. Quddam Rast 4. Sana'a Al-Basit Garibach Al-Hossain 5. M'saddar Sikah - Sana'a Darj Al-M'sarki 6. B'tayhi Az'zaidan - M'saddar Az'zaidan 7. M'shalya Garibach Al-Hossain 8. Sana'a Darj Garibach Al-Hossain - Touchia Al-M'sarki 9. Sana'a Al-Isbihan 10. M'saddar Rami - Sana'a Qaim Ua Nisf Al-Isbihan 11. Taqsim Hijaz - Al-Fahti Hijaz 12. M'shalya Rasd Ad-Dail - Touchia Al-Basit Rasd Ad-Dail - Sana'a Al-B'tayhi Rasd Ad-Dail 13. Taqsim Hsin Sab - Sana'a Qaim Va Nisf Garibach Al-Hossain 14. Taqsim Rasd - Muas-Sa Qaim Va Nisf Al-Mya - Sana'a Darj Al-Mya

