IAMS Healthy Aging Adult Dry Dog Food for Mature and Senior Dogs with Real Chicken, 29.1 lb. Bag


Senior Dry Dog Food: Formulated to support healthy bones and joints with a balance of key nutrients for senior dogs, featuring real, farm-raised chicken as the first ingredient.Veterinarians Recommend IAMS: This tasty kibble features a wholesome blend of fiber and prebiotics to promote healthy digestion, plus antioxidants to support a strong immune system.Complete and Balanced Adult Nutrition: IAMS Dog Food is made with high quality animal protein and no artificial preservatives, flavors or fillers, for complete and balanced nutrition.Tailored to Your Dog: We carry a full line of foods for your dog's age, size and dietary needs from puppy to adult to mature, small breeds to large, and with recipes to support healthy weight and digestion.IAMS Super Premium Dog Food: Choose the nutrition that brings out your dog's best, tailored for their unique needs; Our high-quality, premium recipes are made in the USA with the finest ingredients from around the world



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