Ghoulish Productions Silent Stalker Latex Mask, Slender Man Costume. Cosplay, Creepypastas Line. Adult Mask One size latex mask

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Silent Stalker Mask by Creepypastas Line.Slenderman has returned this Halloween to scare everyone! Walk in the dark and scare children and teenagers with this terrifying Slender Man latex mask.The world of technology and cyberspace, hides the most terrifying stories that seek to scare and perturb the reader.These are urban legends that give life to characters who are born as part of videogames, some of them are related to paranormal events and in general are deranged minds or supernatural creatures.{SIZE} One size latex mask, adult latex mask.{QUALITY} Handmade and painted in Mexico with a completely handmade process of 100% biodegradable latex.{CARE INSTRUCTIONS} Clean the mask before and after use with a sponge, warm water and a little unscented liquid soap or a semi-wet cloth. The mask is easy to clean.{USES} Ideal for use in Halloween, Christmas, costumes parties, carnivals, meetings, etc.Designed By Ghoulish Productions



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