Canine Chews 5" Chicken Twist Sticks - (125 Pack) USA Sourced Chicken Wrapped Rawhide Dog Treats - Grain-Free Natural Chicken Sticks for Dogs - Protein Dense Chicken Wrapped Dog Treats


USA-SOURCED CHICKEN - After 25 years, our family-owned manufacturer continues to source the highest-quality chicken, solely from the USA, to wrap these delectable dog rawhide chews. Each chicken stick for dogs is also hand-wrapped to provide a genuinely natural experience.DELICIOUS BEEF & CHICKEN COMBINATION - Our chicken rawhide twists are the perfect combination of tasty beefhide sticks, wrapped with a hefty amount of mouth-watering chicken, creating an impeccably savory treat that your 5-20lb pup will find irresistible.MADE WITH TWO NUTRITIOUS INGREDIENTS - These chicken rawhide sticks are made with two simple & all-natural ingredients, creating an incredibly protein-dense, grain-free, & all-natural treat to keep your mind at ease.NO PESKY PRESERVATIVES - Unlike some other unscrupulous raw hides sellers, we keep all artificial flavors, colors, and additives out of our chicken rawhides for dogs.PROTECT YOUR PUP'S SMILE - While your best friend is having a blast gnawing on our chicken-wrapped chews they are also strengthening and cleaning the plaque and tartar off of their teeth! The veterinarian will thank you later



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