Jigsaw Health Pickleball Cocktail Jar 60 Servings
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A Delicious Orange Electrolyte Drink To Help Boos Your Pickleball Game. Gluten Free. Soy Free. 100% Non GMO Ingredients. Vegan. Finally a cocktail you should drink at 7amStart every morning with Jigsaw Pickleball Cocktail -- a sugar-free, delicious orange-flavored beverage with as much Potassium as two bananas. Keep your muscles happy while you play just one more game, 5 or 6 times. Did you know there are two types of muscle cramps?Thats right. If you start cramping during a game, thats a sign that your body is low in Potassium. If you cramp up in the middle of the night -- that's a sign your body is low in Magnesium. Why is Pickleball Cocktail better? Includes 800 mg of Potassium -- the equivalent of 2 bananas. Includes 50 mg of the bioavailable, energizing form of magnesium, as Dimagnesium Malate. Includes 90 mg of Sodium from Redmonds Real Salt which also includes critical trace minerals not found in regular table salt. Contains Zero sugar. Contains Zero caffeine. Endorsed by top Pickleball Professionals. 3rd party label claim verified. 100% Money-Back Guarantee. What can Jigsaw Pickleball Cocktail help me with? Support healthy, relaxed muscle tone on the court. Replenish important electrolytes lost through sweat. Maintain proper fluid balance within your cells. Promote healthy energy levels

