Alliance Gator Aqua Rock Permeable Stone, ASTM No.9 Granite Stone. 50 LB Bag


Helps prevent erosion due to climatic conditions, such as wind, rain and freezing temperatures..Graded to meet ASTM No.9 High strength granite stone for long-term use Helps collect roof & surface water run-off.Calibrated for the majority of permeable pavers Long-term high infiltration performance.SIEVE SIZE ASTM NO.9 3/8in. (9.5mm)100 No.4 (4,75mm)85 to 100 No.8 (2,36mm)10 to 40 No. 16 (1,18mm)0 to 10 No. 50 (0.300mm)0 to 5.Driveways, Parking Lots, Patios & Walkways Drainage applications Bedding and jointing material

