waggedy Advanced Probiotics Gut & Digestion Food Topper — Digestive Enzymes w/Papaya — Probiotic Powder — Cat & Dog Supplement Powder — Products for Dogs & Cats Over 6 Weeks (114g)


Advanced Gut Health for Dogs: waggedy’s gut health powder offers the highest quality supplemental feeding for your pets, providing them with PB6 Probiotic technology that enables digestive enzymes with probiotics and prebiotics to travel through the complete GI tract for optimal stomach and intestinal balance. This helps relieve diarrhea, constipation, and bad breath.Probiotics for Digestive Health: Our dried dog food topper contains advanced probiotics, enzymes, prebiotics, and PB6 technology for optimal support and balance for dogs’ gastrointestinal health. This helps your dog’s digestive tract better absorb essential nutrients, leading to improved digestion and enhanced vitality.Boosted Immune System Support: Our dog gut health probiotics are specially formulated to not only optimize digestive health but also to bolster your dog's immune system. By promoting a balanced gut microbiome, our dog probiotics help strengthen your dog's natural defenses, ensuring they stay healthier and more resilient against infections and illnesses.American Quality Digestive Enzymes for Dogs: Healthy Gut’s advanced probiotics for dogs and probiotics for cats are made in the USA with the best-tested and audited ingredients, with papaya as its main protease. waggedy offers high-quality cat and dog vitamins and supplements to keep your furry ones happy, healthy, and active for as long as possible.Vet Approved: These dietary supplements for dogs were formulated by veterinarians and manufactured in the United States in a cGMP & NSF certified facility, all to ensure that your pet has the best dog digestion supplement to support their overall well-being and vitality



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