Grandma Mae's Country Naturals RawTernative Air Dried Dog Food 5 OZ Beef and Beef Organs Recipe


REAL MEAT FIRST: RawTernative, from the makers of Grandma Mae's Country Naturals, contains 93% real grass-fed beef and beef organs raised ethically in New Zealand, with no added hormones or antibiotics.GENTLY AIR DRIED: A small batch technique that has been used for centuries which maintains the nutrients and natural taste of our raw ingredients.NO NEED TO ADD WATER: Just pour and serve, no defrosting or rehydrating required; Moist, chunky texture like real meat. All the benefits of raw frozen without the hassle.AN ALL-NATURAL, COMPLETE DIET: Made with the finest natural ingredients enhanced with prebiotics, vitamins and minerals, our food is a 100% complete and balanced diet and also makes a great treat or meal topper!.Contains one (1) 5oz Bag of RawTernative Beef and Beef Organs Recipe



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