Real Meat Air Dried Cat Food & Dog Food w/Real Turkey & Venison - 14oz of USA-Crafted Grain-Free Dry Dog & Cat Food Sourced from All-Natural Free-Range Venison & Turkey - High Protein Pet Food


MADE WITH HUMAN-GRADE QUALITY MEAT - Imagine a bowl filled with air dried cat food and dog food made with real turkey & venison goodness. This premium real meat cat food and dog food dry bites will keep your cat or small dog smiling. It's not just food; it's a meaty party for their taste buds, crafted with care.PURRFECTLY SIZED FOR CATS & SMALL DOGS - Our high protein cat food and dog food is intricately cut into small, chewable bits for cats & small dog breeds of all life stages. Packed with nutrients and love, it's the tail-wagging and whisker-licking solution to your pet's ever-important dietary needs.GENTLY AIR-DRIED TO PAW-FECTION - Real Meat's secret air-drying process seals in the goodness, making every bite a punch of flavor and nutrition. Not to mention, our premium & nutritious dog and cat food dry bites are kept in resealable bags, making each meal as fresh as the last.ALL-NATURAL & GRAIN-FREE - Ideal for pets with sensitive stomachs and discerning palates, our grain free venison & turkey dry cat food and dog food are free of fillers, coloring, and other artificial preservatives and additives, ensuring a bowl of highly digestible yumminess.ETHICALLY CRAFTED IN THE U.S. OF YAY - Crafted in small, artisanal batches, our holistic dog and cat dry food is as premium, as it is affordable. Made with meat sourced from hormone-free, free-range, grass-fed venison and cage-free turkey straight from New Zealand and the USA



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