Real Meat Dog Treats - 4oz Bag of Bite-Sized Air-Dried Beef Jerky for Dogs - Grain-Free Jerky Dog Treats Made up of 95% Human-Grade, Free-Range, Grass Fed Beef - All-Natural High Protein Dog Treats


95% HUMAN-GRADE QUALITY BEEF - Picture your pup saying, "Ah, gourmet at last!" Our real meat dog treats are made up of 95% real beef, the doggy version of a chopped steak! This premium high-protein natural beef jerky for dogs will have your pup's tail wagging nonstop with each savory bite.NUTRITION GALORE - Our beef jerky treats are more than just delicious; they're packed with natural vitamins and minerals like Taurine, Omega-3, and Vitamin B12.AIR-DRIED, BUT GENTLY - Using our secret air-drying process, we're able to lock in all of these vitamins and minerals, as well as the barkworthy flavor! Real Meat's bite-sized dog jerky treats are a perfect training treat, or a great "just because" dog beef jerky treat.FREE OF PESKY GRAIN & ADDITIVES - These scrumptious beef jerky dog treats are grain-free, sugar-free, and all-natural with no fillers or colorings, making them easy to digest! It's like a meat sandwich and a belly rub had a baby! Perfect for sensitive tummies and picky eaters.CRAFTED IN THE U.S. OF YAY - Crafted in small, artisanal batches our dehydrated dog treats are incredibly premium, yet incredibly affordable. Made with beef sourced from, hormone-free, free-range, grass-fed, and utterly happy cows straight from New Zealand



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