Gentle Giants Natural NON-GMO Beef and Bacon Dog and Puppy Food
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Gentle Giants Beef with Bacon World Class Nutrition Dog and Puppy Food is a wholesome blend of non-GMO ingredients, including beef, bacon, pearled barley, brown rice, oatmeal and 8 nutritious fruits and vegetables. Loaded with vitamins and minerals, this dog and puppy food offers omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids for maximum health. Pet food made from natural, 100% poultry-free, non-GMO premium ingredients Feed to puppies at approximately four weeks of age; Introduce dry dog food to puppies by moistening with water No greasy coating of saturated fat on the outside of each kibble No fillers, corn, wheat, soy, gluten, BHA, BHT, ethoxyquin, by-products, artificial colors/dyes, artificial flavors, and preservatives Unique rotational diet of dry and wet dog and puppy food that can be fed interchangeably and mixed together with other Gentle Giants dog foods for added taste and variety Added New Zealand Green Mussels is a superfood functional ingredient that helps support your pets healthy joints, reduces inflammation; an excellent natural source of glucosamine and chondroitin Added prebiotics and probiotics support healthy intestinal regularity


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