Smack Pet Food Organic Raw Dehydrated Dog Food Grain-Free, Gluten-Free, Raw Food for Dogs (Caribbean Salmon Fusion, 7.4 Ounce)


100% GMO-Free! Featuring over 55% wild salmon!A lip-smacking grain-free, gluten-free, raw food for dogs that can be fed like a kibble or with added water. Per cup, it contains 9 oz wild BC salmon, ethoxyquin-free (a common preservative used to treat wild salmon)..All Smack five-star rated raw dehydrated foods feature a short list of the world’s best organic whole superfood ingredients that are proven highly beneficial for health and are also lip-smacking good, without any GMOs, fillers, gluten, or grain..Caribbean-Salmon Fusion | Over 55% Wild BC Salmon (Bone-in), Contains high amounts of functional ingredients like wild salmon, organic pineapple, coconut, and GMO-free millet seed.Our organic dehydrated grain free dog food is know to have the following benefits: Help Muscles Recover, Coat Health & Shine, Joint Strength, Improve Protein Digestion, Blood Sugar Regulation, Reduce Inflammation and Improve Insulin Sensitivity..We formulate Smack according to traditional natural raw food diets with the gained knowledge of functional foods, the way nature intended!



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