Primal Freeze Dried Cat Food Nuggets Beef & Salmon; Complete & Balanced Meal or Topper; Premium, Healthy, Grain Free, High Protein Raw Cat Food with Probiotics (5.5 oz)

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Premium freeze-dried raw cat food made with made with grass-fed, antibiotic-free beef raised without steroids or added hormones, wild-caught salmon and USDA organic fruits and vegetables. Grain free.Upgrade from kibble. Minimally processed cat food delivers the highest digestibility for maximum nutrient absorption to support optimal weight, skin & coat, oral & eye health, reduced stool volume.Serve as a complete & balanced meal, a cat food topper or freeze dried cat treat. Adding Primal Pet Food just a few times a week will help you start to see the results raw food for cats can provide.Convenient & delicious raw nutrition. Shelf-stable, great alternative to frozen cat food. Easy to crumble and serve. Best when rehydrated to satisfy your feline’s natural instinct. 3-4 nuggets per oz.Crafted in the USA. Healthy adult cat food with real whole food ingredients. No synthetic vitamins or minerals. No artificial flavors, colors, preservatives. No corn, wheat, soy, lentils, or legumes



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