UOG Toupee Adhesive Glue. Allergy-Free, Waterproof, 2-3 Layers (Thin Coatings), 3 (Triple) Times Usage, Around 15-20 Minutes Installation, Strong Hold, Poly and PU Base Toupee, Hairpiece Adhesive.


ALLERGY-FREE FORMULA: UOG Toupee Adhesive Glue is specially formulated with eco-friendly components, ensuring it is entirely safe for those with sensitive skin and all other skin types. Our commitment to environmental sustainability and skin health means you can use our product without any worries about allergic reactions..THIN COATINGS: UOG Toupee Adhesive Glue is expertly formulated to provide optimal adhesion with minimal application, requiring just 2-3 thin layers. This precision in application prevents excess buildup, allowing the wig to sit comfortably and naturally against the scalp. Unlike heavier adhesives, our glue ensures that the application area remains smooth and flat, enhancing the overall appearance of the wig. The light layers also contribute to a more natural look, as they prevent the bulking that can occur with thicker glue applications..EXTENDED HOLD: With UOGToupee Adhesiv Glue, expect a long-lasting hold that can endure anywhere from 2 to 5 weeks, depending on your lifestyle. This extended hold is ideal for individuals with active lifestyles who need a reliable adhesive that keeps up with their pace..QUICK DRYING: Designed for efficiency and ease, our wig glue dries quickly, reducing wait time significantly. This feature ensures a strong, seamless hold almost immediately after application, allowing you to proceed with your day or special event with confidence..WATERPROOF AND SWEATPROOF: UOG Toupee Glue stands up to both water and sweat, making it an excellent choice for all weather conditions and physical activities. Whether you’re facing unexpected rain or engaging in an intense workout, our glue maintains its hold, keeping your wig securely in place.ODORLESS AND NON-TOXIC: Enjoy the comfort of applying our Toupee glue without any harsh smells. The odorless, non-toxic formula is perfect for those who are sensitive to strong fragrances and chemicals, making your beauty routine a more pleasant experience..TRIPLE THE COVERAGE: Compared to other adhesives, our toupee glue offers three times the coverage. This economical advantage means you can secure more wigs with the same amount of product, making it a cost-effective choice for regular users..INVISIBLE HOLD: Our glue dries clear and remains invisible, eliminating any concern about visible residue or the appearance of adhesive. This transparent formula ensures that the focus is on your stunning hair and not on how it’s held in place..Made by United One America, Inc.

