Bully Max Freeze-Dried Turkey Raw Dog Food Toppers for Puppies and Adult Dogs - Nutrient-Rich Meal Enhancers with Vitamins & Minerals for Small and Large Dog Breed - 3 Pack Puppy Treat or Dog Meal


Value and Convenience: Introducing our Bully Max Raw Turkey Dog Food Toppers in a convenient 3-pack bundle – the ultimate way to provide your furry friend with an extra boost of essential nutrition. Save time and money by stocking up on your dog's favorite nutritious toppers, ensuring they always have a supply on hand. Perfect for multi-dog households with small and large breed puppies, adult and senior dogs, or those who want uninterrupted access to premium nutrition for their beloved pets..Enhanced Nutrition: Bully Max Turkey Raw Dog Food Toppers feature real freeze-dried turkey as the #1 ingredient, designed to enhance your dog's overall health, immunity, muscle growth, digestion, and mobility. Packed with amino acids necessary for maintaining lean muscles, essential vitamins, minerals, gut-healthy probiotics, & fruits & vegetables, they actively support better health & bolster your dog's immune system. Ideal for puppies, adults, & senior dogs of small, medium, & large breeds..Muscle Growth Support: Formulated with grass-fed beef, whey protein, and branched-chain amino acids, our toppers are perfect for supporting muscle growth and maintaining a strong physique. Enjoy the benefits of enhanced muscle development and optimal health for your furry friend. Perfect for all breeds including American Pit Bull Terrier, American or English Bulldog, French Bulldog, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Mastiff & Amstaff, it's the preferred dry dog food for healthy development..Wholesome Ingredients: Our Raw Dog Food Toppers are packed with the highest-quality ingredients like apples, green peas, sweet potato, sunflower, and chia seeds, ensuring that each flavor is rich in high-quality proteins and free-dried raw food. Featuring single-sourced animal protein combined with real fruits and vegetables, excluding corn, soy, wheat, grain, gluten, and antibiotics, making them a complete and balanced source of nutrition. Suitable for dogs in all life stages..Premium Quality, Zero Recalls: Made in the USA with globally sourced ingredients, our Bully Max Dog Raw Dog Food Toppers meet the highest quality standards. Every product from Bully Max undergoes rigorous vet approval, backed by our commitment to zero recalls. Bully Max is dedicated to high-quality pet care, providing vet-approved, high-performance wet dog food and dry dog foods, along with premium puppy & dog supplements, to guarantee top-quality canine nutrition for puppies and senior dogs.



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