Bully Max Freeze-Dried Raw Dog Food Toppers for Puppies & Adult Dogs - 4 Variety Pack Puppy Treat or Dog Meal Enhancers with Fruits & Veggies - Rich in Vitamins & Minerals for Small & Large Breed Dogs


Convenience of Multipack: Simplify your dog's meal planning with the Bully Max Raw Dog Food Toppers 4-Count Variety Pack. Featuring a pouch of each mouth-watering flavor – Chicken, Turkey, Salmon, and Beef – this versatile pack eliminates the hassle of purchasing individual items, ensuring you have a diverse selection for every meal. Streamline your shopping experience while providing your furry friend with a range of delicious options, making mealtime planning effortless and enjoyable..Versatile Usage: Serve as a nutrient-rich meal, a delicious training treat, or as a tasty topper for dry Bully Max dog food. Whether you're looking to provide a complete meal packed with essential nutrients, vitamins & minerals, reinforce positive behavior during training sessions, or simply elevate your dog's regular kibble with an extra burst of flavor and nutrition, these raw dog food toppers offer unmatched versatility enhancing their overall dining experience..Comprehensive Health Support & Immune Boost: Elevate your dog's nutrition with Bully Max's Raw Dog Food Toppers, expertly formulated to support healthy weight gain, immune health, and mobility. These freeze-dried toppers feature real meat along with wholesome fruits and vegetables, providing essential nutrients such as vitamins B12, C, and E. Ideal for small, medium and large breed dogs of all ages, these meal enhancers offer a balanced and delicious way to promote overall health and vitality..Easy Preparation & Wholesome Ingredients: Enjoy hassle-free meal solutions with Bully Max Raw Dog Food Toppers by serving it dry or rehydrated with 2 tbsp warm water per 1/4 cup of food. Made with wholesome ingredients enriched with vitamins, minerals, and trace nutrients, free from artificial colors, flavors, byproducts, corn, wheat, or soy, you can trust that your beloved pet receives a wholesome and nutritious meal every time. Suitable for puppies, adults, and senior dogs..PREMIUM QUALITY, ZERO RECALLS: Made in the USA with globally sourced ingredients, our Bully Max Raw Dog Food Toppers meet the highest quality standards. Every product from Bully Max undergoes rigorous vet approval, backed by our commitment to zero recalls. Bully Max is dedicated to high-quality pet care, providing vet-approved, high performance wet dog food and dry dog foods, along with premium puppy & dog supplements, to guarantee top-quality canine nutrition for puppies and senior dogs.



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