Bully Max Freeze-Dried Raw Dog Food Toppers for Puppies and Adult Dogs - Beef with Real Fruits & Veggies - Natural Meal Enhancers with Vitamins & Minerals - Feed as Puppy Treat or Dog Meal


MUSCLE GROWTH & HEALTH ENHANCERS: Bully Max's Freeze-Dried Raw Dog Food Toppers, with grass-fed beef, whey protein, and amino acids, effectively support muscle growth and health. Ideal for all dogs, including picky eaters, these toppers mix real fruits and vegetables with premium proteins. Suitable for every life stage, from puppies to adults, they serve as a nutritious meal enhancer or a standalone treat, making every meal time a tail-wagging experience..VERSATILE DRY OR REHYDRATED SERVING: This Dog Food Toppers offer the versatility of serving either dry or rehydrated, catering to your dog's preferences. These muscle-enhancing toppers, rich in freeze-dried raw beef, apples, and sweet potatoes, boast 32% crude protein along with vitamins B12 and E. Ideal for all breeds, they provide a nutrient-rich meal enhancer that focuses on muscle growth and health, offering a balanced and delicious way to strengthen your dog's muscular health and vitality..NATURAL INGREDIENTS FOR OPTIMAL HEALTH: Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and gut-healthy probiotics, our Vitamin Booster Dog Food Enhancers aid in maintaining your dog’s overall health and digestion. With natural ingredients, these Beef Kibble Toppers for dogs provide a delicious and healthy addition to any meal. Free from artificial additives, hormones, and common allergens like corn, soy, and wheat, our gluten and grain free formula ensures a healthy, balanced diet for dogs..AAFCO-COMPLIANT, HIGH-QUALITY PROTEIN TOPPER: Elevate your pet's diet with Bully Max Dog Kibble Toppers that meet all AAFCO requirements for complete and balanced nutrition. Rich in high-quality proteins and vital vitamins E, D3, and B12, these toppers are perfect for all life stages, enhancing health and immunity. Designed to offer balanced nutrition and promote overall well-being, they ensure your dog enjoys every meal while receiving the essential nutrients for a vibrant and healthy life..PREMIUM QUALITY AND SAFETY: Made in the USA with globally sourced ingredients, our Bully Max Dog Food Toppers meet the highest quality standards. They ensure a safe and natural diet for your pet, backed by our commitment to zero recalls. Bully Max is dedicated to high-quality pet care, providing a spectrum of vet-approved, high-performance wet dog food and dry dog foods, along with premium puppy & dog supplements, to guarantee top-quality canine nutrition for puppies and senior dogs.



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