Fruit & Vegetable Seasonality Guide Fridge Magnet - Easy to Follow Seasonal Produce Calendar - Guide for Always Fresh Vegetables & Fruit Magnets for Refrigerator - Seasonal Fruit & Veg Eating Calendar


Maximize Dietary Value –– Curate meals with ingredients at their nutritional peak. Identify ripe and ready seasonal fruit and veggies with this magnet chart for bites bursting with optimal nutrients and flavors. After all, you deserve nothing but the freshest and healthiest. Elevate your culinary creations with this functional food art and craft mouthwatering dishes.Support Local & Save –– Choosing seasonal means leaning local and cutting down on transportation and storage. Actively support your community with these kitchen accessories. Deliver fresh ingredients right to your plate, and delight in lower totals at checkout. Embrace savings and sustainability with simple food wall art magnets.Knowledge is Power –– No more sifting through online information or relying on memory alone. These seasonal fruits and vegetables magnets have a sturdy magnetic grip that will become an integral part of your fridge display. Gather all your details with a mere glance. This seasonal produce picture chart will become the culinary companion you didn't know you needed until now.Gift with a Gourmet Touch –– Delivered in an exquisite envelope, these food charts are more than just informative –– they’re giftable! Ideal as kitchen decor for culinary enthusiasts, this seasonal produce guide magnet is for anyone who swears by fresh ingredients. Home chefs will rejoice with farm-to-table information at their fingertips.A Feast for Your Eyes –– Add a splash of color to your grocery planning. This fruit and vegetables calendar food artwork boasts a vibrant, eye-catching design. Easy to read and aesthetically pleasing, our kitchen magnets for refrigerator decor are instantly informative. Make every trip to the supermarket more 'fruitful' with these appealing fresh produce food cheat sheet magnets

