Raw Paws Signature Pet Food for Dogs & Cats - Green Lamb Tripe, 1-lb Rolls (20 Pack) - Fresh Pet Food Made in USA - Natural Dog Food Rolls - Raw Frozen Dog Food – Green Lamb Tripe for Dogs & Cats


RAW LAMB GREEN TRIPE FOR DOGS: Our tripe dog food is often referred to as a pet superfood because it has a near perfect balance of calcium to phosphorus naturally! "Green" means the lamb tripe is unprocessed and unbleached. High in protein but low in phosphorus, tripe makes the perfect kidney diet dog food!.PICKY EATERS LOVE TRIPE CAT FOOD: This lamb green tripe for dogs, cats and even ferrets love is packed with a meaty flavor and an earthy aroma pets can’t resist! Our tripe lamb dog food will entice even the most finicky eater! Convenient, quality nutrition you can feel good feeding your pet..100% DIGESTIBLE RAW DOG FOOD LAMB RECIPE: Raw Paws green tripe dog food is sourced from the stomach muscles of lambs raised on family farms without the use of added hormones or antibiotics. Our raw tripe is full of probiotics and digestive enzymes that promote healthy digestion..EASY-TO-SERVE TRIPE FOOD: Our 1-lb grain free dog food rolls make for simple handling, serving and storing! Fully or partially thaw the lamb recipe dog food and portion with a serrated knife and refreeze. Easily shape into dog food patties for future meals!.WE VALUE YOU: We stand behind our brand and strive to ensure that you and your pet are truly happy. Meeting your expectations is our top priority at Raw Paws Pet, Inc.



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