Raw Paws Raw Signature Blend Frozen Chicken Raw Dog Food & Cat Food, 8-oz Patties, 20-lb - Made in USA Small-Batch Raw Frozen Dog Food - Frozen Raw Cat Food - Raw Food for Dogs - Raw Diet Dog Food


HEALTHY, NUTRITIOUS FROZEN CHICKEN PET FOOD: Raw Paws chicken patties for dogs offer a highly nutritious raw diet for dogs, cats and even ferrets! This natural chicken dog food is a blend of meat, bone and organ that imitates your pet’s natural, species-appropriate diet. Our chicken cat food delivers protein, vitamins and minerals your pet needs to thrive. Give your pets the flavors they crave and the nutrition they deserve with dog and cat food grain free chicken patties!.FREE-RANGE RAW CHICKEN DOG FOOD: Our single-protein, natural dog food chicken blend contains no preservatives, additives or artificial ingredients. These frozen raw dog food patties are sourced from chickens humanely raised, without antibiotics or steroids, on local Indiana family farms. Your pets will receive much needed amino acids and glucosamine for bone health when you serve this cat food chicken grain free recipe!.EASY-TO-SERVE RAW FOOD FOR DOGS, CATS, FERRETS: Our pre-portioned natural cat food chicken patties are convenient to handle, serve and store! Divide patties into containers or resealable bags for individual servings or partially thaw and cut into portions that accomodate your pet’s needs. Real chicken cat food patties make meal time convenient yet nutritious. Save time, energy and cleaning while giving your pet the nutrition they deserve with chicken for dogs, cats and ferrets!.FULLY DIGESTIBLE CHICKEN DOGS & CATS LOVE: Our raw blend dog food is free of unnecessary and unhealthy ingredients like fillers or byproducts making it highly digestible and gentle on tummies. Dog and cat chicken food patties are a good source of vitamin B6 which helps to regulate digestion. If your pet has a sensitive stomach or is prone to allergies, try Raw Paws raw chicken cat food and dog food..100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: We stand behind our brand and value our customers' satisfaction on every single order. If you're not completely satisfied with our raw cat and dog chicken food patties, we will provide a Full Refund-Guaranteed--No questions asked.



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