Healthy Dogma - PetMix Dehydrated Dog Food for Allergies, Joint Support & Mobility - Grain Free, Raw, Homemade Dog Food (Skin & Coat, 10 lbs)


PROMOTES A LUSTROUS COAT: Also helps with itchy skin and hotspots. Our gluten-free doggy skin food is made with coconut flakes, whole eggs, oats, pumpkin, flax, and other ingredients for your furry friend’s healthy coat..HELPS STRENGTHEN IMMUNE SYSTEM: Looking for nutrient-dense dog food for large dogs and small pups? Add this all natural dog food to your pet’s meals! It’s packed with vitamins and minerals to fortify his/her immune system..DOG FOOD FOR PICKY EATERS: The wrong kind of skin support dog food may cause tummy aches and discomfort. Ideal for pups with sensitive guts, this skin and coat dog food is made with clean, human-grade ingredients that support your pet’s gut health..GOOD FOR YOUR DOG'S HEART: Our tasty dog food for sensitive skin is also loaded with blueberries and other antioxidant-rich ingredients for heart health. Each serving of pet food also supports your dog’s blood cholesterol at the right level..ABOUT US: Healthy Dogma is a family owned and operated business. We are always the only ones in control of our products, with no investors or stockholders to report to, which ensures consistency and quality for you.



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