HOLI Freeze Dried Elk and Venison Dog Food Topper - 96% Meat, Wild Caught Free Range - Freeze Dried Dog Food Flavor Enhancer for Picky Dogs – 100% All Natural - 3oz


PICKY PUP APPROVED - No more flavor fatigue! HOLI dog food toppers add excitement and nutrition to meal time. Stimulate your pup's appetite while you add healthy protein to their diet. Just add 1-2 tablespoons of beef liver powder for every cup of kibble. You can serve dry, or add some warm water to make a drool worthy broth..FRESHNESS & SIMPLICITY – Our freeze dried dog food toppers are as delicious as they are nutritious. Our simple, one ingredient flavors are truly a revelation. This meaty seasoning is easy to digest and perfect for a dog with a sensitive stomach. And since freeze-drying retains the meat's nutrition and flavor, it provides all the benefits of raw meat— but, safe for you and your dog, and without the mess..LOCALLY & SUSTAINABLY SOURCED, MADE IN THE USA – All HOLI Pets products are made in the USA from the highest quality human-grade protein in small batches from local farms & wild fish suppliers. All of our independent family farmers are USDA certified..96% MEAT - with added probiotics, vitamins and minerals. This topper is a complete and balanced meal on it's own and the perfect enhancement to kibble or raw feeding.RESEALABLE ZIPPER BAG – Our airtight, resealable pouches keep your toppers safe and fresh for up to 90 days after opening so you can keep giving your pup delicious freeze dried raw dog food day after day.



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