Lucy Pet Products Chicken Formula Dog Food Roll 1 lb, Meaty, Semi-Moist Dog Food (100600073)


Lucy Pet Chicken Formula Dog Food Rolls are premium dog food rolls formulated for optimum nutrition, a healthy coat, and high energy. Complete and balanced for all life stages from puppies to adults. You can slice or chop to use as a full feed or a treat, or grate and use as a food topper. Meaty, semi-moist premium dog food roll loaded with chicken! Enticing for the pickiest of eaters with its palatable, meaty texture, and tantalizing aroma..Perfect for training, travel, or as a healthy treat! Made with biotin to support healthy skin and coat, and taurine that supports a healthy heart and healthy eyes.Safely cooked so you can handle without any worry of safety risks. Store unopened rolls in your pantry for up to 12 months, refrigerate once opened and cover the exposed end with food wrap.Committed to helping animals by donating to the Lucy Pet Foundation, which has done over 28,000 free spay & neuters in low-income areas.Proudly made in our own plant in Southern California, which has been making quality pet foods for over 75 years



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