Project Genius Trilos Logic Puzzle - 1+ Player, Ages 6+, SG015
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This is an addictive and brilliant puzzle game that challenges the player to fit all 5 of their clear acrylic gear puzzle pc. onto the puzzle card by matching the colors of the gear icons to the design on the card. This game includes a deck of 60 spiral-bound puzzle cards that get progressively more difficult and if you get stuck or when you need to check your progress, the solutions are shown at the end of the booklet. The first levels start out easy by matching shapes/colors and then higher levels proceed with less hints and have many more challenging variables. Each puzzle only has one correct solution. Can you find them all?? One player game, ages 6+. Quiet play, compact and great for travel! Unique logic game that develops visual persception and logical thinking. The player must arrange 5 gear pc. on each challenge correctly based on color and shape. Trilos takes concentration! Provides hours of quiet play for the single puzzler. Easy to carry with you -- one spiral-bound booklet that includes all 60 challenges/solutions and 5 gear pc.. Challenges start out easy and get progressively harder. Great for all ages! Invented by Gali Shimoni and Zvi Shalem of the Israel Encer for Excellence Through Education.


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