Raw Paws Signature Blend Pet Food for Dogs & Cats - Turkey Recipe, 1-lb Rolls (20 Pack) - Made in USA Frozen Turkey Roll Dog Food - Log Dog Food - Refrigerated Dog Food - Raw Frozen Food for Dogs


MADE IN USA TURKEY DOG FOOD AND CAT FOOD: Our grain free turkey cat food and dog food is sourced from healthy turkeys humanely raised on Indiana family farms. We partner with local farmers to guarantee we are providing your pets with quality dog food turkey flavor. There are absolutely no fillers, preservatives or additives in our turkey cat food. If you're in need of an all-natural meal for your pet, look no further than our natural turkey roll frozen raw dog food and cat food..LEAN GROUND TURKEY RAW FROZEN DOG FOOD: When you feed raw food for dogs, cats and ferrets, you’re imitating your pet’s natural, species-appropriate diet, which helps your pet achieve optimal health, vibrancy, and longevity. Our natural dog food turkey flavor provides your pet with plenty of protein, vitamins B12 and B6 to help your pet build lean muscle mass, boost immunity, as well as regulate digestion. There's no gluten, wheat or corn in our healthy, lean turkey roll!.EASY-TO-SERVE, RAW, GROUND TURKEY ROLL FOR DOGS AND CATS: Our 1-lb. turkey grain free dog food raw frozen chubs make for simple handling, serving and storing. Simply thaw, or partially thaw, the turkey frozen food for dogs and cats and serve as needed or cut into smaller portions with a serrated knife and refreeze for future feedings. The convenient size of our grain free turkey dog food roll makes it simple to rotate proteins for your pets..HIGH-PROTEIN RAW DIET DOG FOOD: Raw blend dog food is high in protein and low in fat. In fact, our grain free turkey recipe natural raw dog food and cat food packs the biggest punch of protein for its caloric value. Raw natural dog food and cat food turkey blend offers a blend of 80% muscle meat, 10% organ and 10% bone. Single ingredient, Raw Paws turkey roll for dogs and cats contains only real turkey dogs and cats crave!.WE VALUE YOU: We stand behind our brand and strive to ensure that you and your pet are truly happy. Meeting your expectations is our top priority at Raw Paws Pet, Inc.



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