Pawstruck Vet Recommended Air Dried Dog Food Toppers for Picky Eaters - Made in USA with Real Chicken - Premium All Natural Meal Mix-in Kibble Seasoning Enhancer - 8 oz - Packaging May Vary


Air Dried Meal Topper for Dogs: Our Chicken Meal Topper & Mixer adds extra flavor & nutrition to your pup's meals, and leaves them drooling! These easy-to-serve bags are a great add to your dog food, and are packed with real chicken, vitamins & minerals for a nutritious boost to your furry friend's mealtime..All-Natural & Grain-Free: Made in the USA with wholesome ingredients from premium international partners. Our dog food toppers contain no harmful additives & are carefully made in USDA-certified facilities. As dog lovers, we make sure to give you the same flavor-packed products we give our dogs!.Vet-Recommended: Our Meal Toppers for Dogs are approved by a vet, so you can trust that you're giving your pup the best possible meal, endorsed by professionals. If you have questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out!.Picky Eater Approved: Our Food Toppers for Picky Dogs are perfect for fussy dogs, plus our added Salmon Oil & Vitamins provide Hip and Joint Support for Dogs. No matter the size, breed or age of your dog - our Dog Food Toppers add flavor & nutrition to your dog’s meals!.Versatile & Delicious: Use our Dog Meal Toppers as meal mixers or as a dog topper for dry food, to make your dog's meals more exciting! Ready for more? Our Dog Meal Toppers last 18 months, making it easy for you to stock up on your dog's new favorite meal treat..Top Quality: Our Air Dried Dog Meal Toppers are slow-cooked for a mouth-watering taste & crunchy texture that also has more single protein nutrition - a great alternative to raw or freeze dried toppers! Got a furry friend who's a dog food picky eater? Our dog food sprinkle topper is delicious!.Packaging May Vary: There's an exciting new look at Pawstruck! During the transition you may receive either bag design, but you'll ALWAYS receive the same quality products.



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