BEAUMONT BASICS Flavors Food Topper for Dogs, Delicious Seasoning for Dog Food, Natural, Grain-Free Kibble Seasoning and Treat Mix for Picky Dogs and Puppies, White Cheddar Recipe, 3.1-Ounce


Instant Food Topper: This easy-to-serve dog food topper evenly blends with kibble, so your dog will not be able to separate FLAVORS from their regular food. The topping can also be mixed with water to form a delicious broth for your dog.Delicious Flavor: The White Cheddar FLAVORS is made with gourmet white cheddar cheese, so that your dog gets a mouthful of incredible flavor with every bite. This dog food topping will help you feed your dog when they refuse to eat plain kibble.Healthy Dog Food: These delicious dog food seasonings are grain-free and do not contain any wheat, soy, corn, or rice. FLAVORS dog food topping recipes are very low-calorie and have a low-sodium quantity per serving.Human-Grade Dog Food: These tasty dog food seasonings are made in a high-quality facility, with every ingredient of human-grade standard. With FLAVORS, you can be assured of the best quality!.Safe to Eat: Every FLAVORS recipe is an all-natural formulation and does not contain any artificial or synthetic flavors, colors, or preservatives. FLAVORS dog food toppers work great for a quick treat and are also helpful for encouraging hydration



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