Bulk Flowers Fresh Sweet Spring Suger Bouquet


Description: This bouquet has a generous 29 stem count of green ball Dianthus, Pink Gerbera, Pink Alstromeria, Pink Hydrangea, Pink Carnation, and Tint Black Hypericum. These flowers come pre-arranged in a flower bouquet and require no special prep work. Recommended delivery date: Flowers deliver 5-7 days after you place your order. Expected vase life is an average of 5 days with proper care and handling. Since flowers are a product of Mother Nature and due to variation in monitor resolutions, the exact color tones of this flower may vary to some degree. Flower Care and Processing: Your flowers will arrive looking thirsty and sleepy. This is absolutely NORMAL. We will provide care instructions for your flowers via text message once your order has been placed and confirmed.


Oriental Trading Company