Anna by Anuschka Tropical Bouquet Yellow


HAND-PAINTED PREMIUM BAG - An original piece of artwork hand-painted on soft leathers. It will bring flair and style you can flaunt while providing you with a luxury feel organizer for all your essentials.TROPICAL BOUQUET YELLOW ARTWORK - Each bag is hand-painted to create a piece of art inspired by nature and vintage themes. A gorgeous bouquet of flowers in warm, tropical colors painted on a vibrant yellow backdrop.HANDCRAFTED FROM LEATHER - Our products are made in India from 100% genuine cowhide full-grain leather, which boasts a soft and luxurious feel. Each piece is cut by hand and handpainted, providing a personal touch and quality that will last a lifetime.FUNCTIONAL DESIGN - Designed for both beauty and form, each bag features a top zip entry, front zippered pocket, inside zippered wall pocket, cell phone and multi purpose pocket, rear zippered pocket and slip-in cell pocket, and 26" adjustable handle.DIMENSIONS - Width: 11.5”/29.25cm, Height: 10.25”/26cm, Depth: 0.5”/1.25cm, Weight: 0.86lbs./0.3kgs

