Vital Essentials Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food, Chicken Mini Patties Entree, 14 oz

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FREEZE-DRIED RAW CHICKEN DOG FOOD: Vital Essentials Freeze Dried Dog Food packs more protein than industry standard into every bite to deliver the peak vitality your dog deserves, especially when compared to dehydrated dog food. Our complete and balanced freeze-dried raw dog food is high in butcher cut premium cage-free chicken, responsibly sourced in the USA..USA MADE AND SOURCED: Premium freeze dried dog food made with USA sourced proteins. Give your furry friend a wholesome and nutritious meal, packed with the goodness of locally-sourced, high-quality proteins sourced from trusted American farms..BETTER PROTEIN = BETTER BENEFITS: The best freeze dried dog food on the market uses premium butcher cut raw protein to unlock the benefits of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals in raw muscle and organs, because pets deserve the energetic playtimes, healthy skin, shiny coats, strong teeth, and essential gut health that a high-protein diet delivers..PROUDLY AMERICAN CRAFTED: All our dog food and treats are farm-raised and humanely harvested to ensure the quality of our proteins. We go above industry standards to preserve flavor and ensure the highest quality of protein and nutrients in every bite of Vital Essentials freeze dried dog food..WHOLE ANIMAL PROTEIN: We harvest high-quality protein from the whole animal, with no dog food additives, fillers, dyes, flavorings, artificial preservatives, legumes, grains, or rendered by-products. Vital Essentials also offers the widest variety of single-protein raw dog food products on the market?great for picky eaters and dogs with allergies!



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