Downtown Pet Supply - Lamb Ears Dog Treats - Lamb Chews Dog Training Treats - Fully Digestible, Low-Fat, High Protein, Vitamins & Minerals - Puppy Treats & Sensitive Stomach Dog Food Treats - 50Ct


Lamb Organic Grass-Fed: All natural dog treats are also completely grain-free, making them ideal for dogs with sensitive stomachs. No added chemicals, colors or preservatives.Healthy Dog Treats: Support your pet’s overall health with optimal levels of protein, vitamins and minerals needed for a long, happy life. Perfect rewards for training a new puppy or an older dog.Dog Treats Made in the USA: With lamb dog treats you can avoid sticky and smelly mess of rawhide or bully sticks, while still providing a tasty, durable treat that your pet will love.Single Ingredient: Our soft dog treats are free of preservatives, additives, hormones and other harmful ingredients. Pure lamb dog food treats to keep your dog both happy and healthy.Pet Supplies for Furry Friends: We are pet owners first and business owners second, making our own products and standing behind them



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