Chicken Soup for the Soul Pet Food Classic Wet All Stages Dog Food, Beef Pate, 13 Ounce Can (Pack of 12), Soy Free, Corn Free, Wheat Free, Canned Dog Food Made with Real Ingredients

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GREAT TASTING: Our classic wet dog food contains real beef as the first ingredient for a healthy meal packed with high-quality protein.MADE WITH REAL INGREDIENTS: Each 13 ounce can of wet dog food is made with real ingredients for a complete, balanced nutrition. Perfect for all breeds and life stages.WET DOG FOOD MADE FROM REAL INGREDIENTS: Our dog food is made with real beef, egg whites, and other whole foods to support your dog's health.DOG FOOD FOR A HAPPY DOG: Made from the finest, simplest ingredients, our wet dog food formula provides a nutritious, well-balanced base for a happy, healthy wholesome life.SUPPORTS HEALTHY SKIN & COAT: Made with Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids to promote healthy skin and a shiny coat.SUPPORT YOUR DOG'S OVERALL HEALTH: Our natural wet dog food supports your dog's immune and overall health with antioxidants and superfoods like cranberries and blueberries.NATURAL DOG FOOD: Our wet food formula never contains by-product meals, artifical flavors or preservatives and is wheat free, corn free and soy free.CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL DOG FOOD: We keep it simple: delicious, healthy food from high quality ingredients made to be affordable. Specifically formulated so that premium nutrition can have a place in every home where a dog is loved.MADE IN THE USA: Lovingly prepared in the USA with the world's finest ingredients



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