Now Fresh Grain Free Dog Food, 25 lb - Large Breed Puppy Food Recipe - Healthy Diet with Probiotics & Real Meat and Fish for Protein

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REAL MEAT & FISH: Dry dog food recipe made with only fresh de-boned meats & fish for protein, omega 3s & 6s, and a delicious taste. Includes premium-quality turkey as the first ingredient plus fresh salmon & duck. No by-product or meat meals.FOOD FOR LARGE BREED PUPPIES: Made with balanced protein, fat & minerals to support growing puppies, omega 3s DHA & EPA to support healthy brain & heart development, and probiotics & fiber-rich pumpkin to support good digestion.MINIMALLY PROCESSED: Our fresh ingredients are cooked only once at the lowest possible temperature to preserve precious nutrients and rich natural flavor. NO grains, NO by-product or meat meals, NO artificial flavors or preservatives.WITH NATURAL SUPERFOODS: Grain free recipe with 20+ natural superfoods, including antioxidant-rich blueberries & broccoli to support healthy immune system function, and whole eggs, a complete protein with all the essential amino acids puppies need.CRAFTED BY EXPERT PET NUTRITIONISTS: When it comes to your dog’s food, one size doesn't fit all. Our pet nutritionists tailor our perfectly balanced, minimally processed recipes to breed sizes & ages, to help your dog thrive at every stage of life



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