Now Fresh Grain Free Dog Food, 12 lb - Dry Dog Food Senior Recipe for Dogs - Real Meat and Fish for Protein - Healthy Diet for Small, Medium and Large Breed

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REAL MEAT & FISH: Grain free dog food recipe made with only fresh de-boned meats & fish for protein, omega 3s & 6s, and a delicious taste. Includes premium-quality turkey as the first ingredient plus fresh salmon & duck. No by-product or meat meals..FOOD FOR SENIOR DOGS: Carefully crafted with moderate protein & fat to help maintain a healthy weight, with L-carnitine to support heart health & fat burning, and New Zealand green mussels for chondroitin to support healthy hips & joints..MINIMALLY PROCESSED: Our fresh ingredients are cooked only once at the lowest possible temperature to preserve precious nutrients and rich natural flavor. NO grains, NO by-product or meat meals, NO artificial flavors or preservatives..WITH NATURAL SUPERFOODS: Grain free recipe with 20+ natural superfoods, including antioxidant-rich blueberries & pomegranate to support healthy immune system function, and whole eggs, a complete protein with all the essential amino acids dogs need..CRAFTED BY EXPERT PET NUTRITIONISTS: When it comes to your dog's food, one size doesn't fit all. Our pet nutritionists tailor our perfectly balanced, minimally processed, grain free dry dog food recipes for every stage of life.



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