Clear Conscience Pet SuperGravy The Ultimate Gravy Four-Pack - Natural Dog Food Gravy Topper - Hydration Broth Food Mix - Human Grade 14 Scoop Bags, 56 Scoop, 01107


The SuperGravy Trio bundle includes all four delicious formulas of SuperGravy: Paw Jus, Barkinara, Arfredo, and Bon A’ La Goat.Just add water to instantly turn any dog food into a healthier hydrated meal.Made with whole superfoods for great health and great taste.Gets Picky Eating dogs to LOVE their food: 100% Guaranteed to please the pickiest pooches.SuperGravy is far more than a delicious gravy; our proprietary Trigestive Complex brings the energy of raw pet food to any food with active probiotics, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes for gut & immune health.The Best Value in Pet Food Toppers: SuperGravy costs far less yet offers more benefits when compared to liquid dog broths, freeze dried toppers, or canned dog food used as a topper (see comparison chart in product image scroll).Makes any dog food better tasting and healthier: use with kibble, freeze dried or frozen raw pet food, canned, or homemade dog food.Gluten-free, Grain-free, GMO-free; NO glycerin; Natural vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants derived 100% from whole foods with NO SYNTHETIC supplements.No artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors No fillers; No peas, pea protein, or legumes Proudly made in the USA by a family-owned small business. Clear Conscience Pet is the most awarded brand in pet nutrition history with 25 awards for excellence and innovation.8.8 oz. (4 x 2.1 oz. pouches); makes 56 gravy servings or 16 quarts of broth (4 gallons!)



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