Airmax Wipeout PondWeed Defense, 8 oz.
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Apply WipeOut Aquatic Herbicide early in the season at the first sign of weed growth. Use pond dye to monitor the dilution your pond receives and reduce sunlight exposure. For best results, apply the treatment directly in the water underneath any surface weeds in ponds with minimal outflow. The product should stay in the water for 60 - 90 days. WipeOut Aquatic Herbicide is the ideal herbicide for long-term aquatic vegetation management. Apply it early spring in freshwater ponds, lakes, reservoirs, potable water sources, drainage and irrigation canals. WipeOut Aquatic Herbicide contains fluridone, the same active ingredient in Sonar A.S. and Avast! SC Aquatic Herbicide. WipeOut has no temperature, swimming, boating, or livestock restrictions. Apply WipeOut Aquatic Herbicide at the first sign of weed growth early in the season. A single application treats the entire body of water to control even the most persistent pond weeds, including American pondweed, bladderwort, clasping leaf pondweed, coontail, curly-leaf pondweed, duckweed, watermilfoil, hydrilla, lily pads, sago pondweed, spatterdock, and naiad. Reactive treatments such as algaecides, herbicides, and mechanical tools can help control unwanted weeds or algae and are a crucial step in the Airmax Ecosystem, a simple 3 step approach to pond and lake management. The Airmax Ecosystem is the industry-leading method to achieve a clean, thriving aquatic ecosystem. Provides Season Long Control Targets Persistent Weeds Treats with a Single Application Treats Ponds up to 1/4 Surface Acre at 4 Feet Deep Treats American pondweed, bladderwort, clasping leaf pondweed, coontail, curly leaf pondweed, duckweed, eurasian watermilfoil, hydrilla, elodea, lily pads, sago pondweed, spatterdock, and naiad.


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