Mountain Meadow Herbs Fruitful Vine - Blend of Dong Quai & Chaste Tree for Hormonal Balance and Reproductive Health


Fruitful Vine blends the potent properties of Dong Quai, Chaste Tree Berry, False Unicorn Root, and Eleuthero Root. This harmonious combination aims to promote reproductive well-being naturally..Ingredients like Dong Quai support hormonal balance, Chaste Tree Berry aids in healthy menstrual cycle, False Unicorn Root supports reproductive system health, and Eleuthero Root supports overall vitality..Ensuring Clean Manufacturing: Fruitful Vine is produced in a GMP-certified facility. Committed to transparency, we conduct third-party testing for contaminants, heavy metals, and potency. Our stringent manufacturing practices guarantee a safe and effective herbal solution for fertility support..Vitamin Rich Herbs: Dong Quai, Chaste Tree Berry, False Unicorn Root, and Eleuthero Root offer vitamins A, B-complex, E, and minerals like iron and magnesium. This nutrient-rich blend supports hormonal balance, menstrual cycle, and reproductive system health. These herbs contribute to overall well-being, vital for a healthy conception journey..All Mountain Meadow extracts are made in our state-of-the-art facility using carefully selected natural ingredients. The extracts are fresh, pure, potent, and made in a unique small-batch process, which has been perfected over time with knowhow and care.

