Ozark Outdoorz, LLC MOLLE II ACU Ruck - MRE GO Bag - 28 MREs


28 MREs with a 2017 Pack Date (2022 Best By Date) Sopakco Low Sodium Emergency Rations.Previously Issued MOLLE II Large ACU Ruck filled with 32 Emergency Rations makes for the perfect ACU GO BAG.All 28 Rations fit in the Main compartment which leaves room for Go Bag additions. Assorted meals are complete with main Entree, snacks and accessory packets. Snacks vary from meal to meal..Ruck has approximately 4,000 cubic inch capacity (without sustainment pouches) The Sustainment Pouches add 500 cubic inches each. Made of 1000D Nylon with Durable polymer Gen-IV frame.We will fill it up for you making this the perfect emergency Go Bag upon delivery.

