Dr. Harvey's Specialty Diet Allergy Salmon Recipe, Human Grade Dog Food for Dogs with Sensitivities and Allergies Trial Size (5.5 Oz)


Created for dogs with skin, stomach, and environmental sensitivities--our human-grade dog food for dogs with allergies combats canine vulnerabilities from the inside out with premium and balanced superfoods.Salmon is the first ingredient--organic dog food formulated to combat dog allergies; natural nutrition for canine sensitivities fortifies your dogs’ immune system the clean and healthy way by serving your dog real fish and vegetables you can actually see and smell.Make a homemade meal in minutes-- simply add hot water and Dr. Harvey’s Fish Oil to make a complete, homemade meal for your dog in minutes allowing you to save time without sacrificing quality nutrition for your beloved fur baby.Grain-free with limited ingredients for optimal digestion-- enriched with prebiotic and probiotic cultures for gut health and a strong immune system.Made in the USA-- all ingredients are made and dehydrated only in the USA; this 5.5 ounce bag makes up to 1 pound of hydrated dog food; feeding guideline is included



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