Dr. Harvey's Raw Vibrance Grain Free Dehydrated Foundation for Raw Diet Dog Food (Trial Size 5.5 Oz)


Grain-Free and holistic blend of 24 incredible whole foods including raw goat’s milk, green lipped mussels, shiitake mushrooms and eggshell membranes.Made with 9 dehydrated vegetables, 2 antioxidant rich fruits, 2 energy packed seeds, bone meal and crushed eggshells for calcium, and 9 other immune boosting superfoods.Easy and safe preparation of a raw diet for your canine companion in a matter of minutes, right in your own kitchen; 5.5 ounce bag conveniently makes 4, one-pound, finished meals.Simply add hot water to the base-mix, add your choice of protein and oil; use raw or lightly cooked meat.Proudly made in New Jersey, USA and Non-GMO Certified



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