Health Extension Gravy Dog Food, Turkey & Sweet Potato Entrée, Crude Protein, Fiber & Fat with Added Vitamins, All Life Stages, Wet Dog Food, Improve Gut Health, Digestive Support (9 Ounce, 12 Cans)


SATISFY DOG'S CRAVINGS: Our Ancestry Pet Food combines Turkey and Sweet Potato formula, also made with wholesome grain for all life stages. Great-tasting meaty foods that show your dog you care. Digestible and is sure to be a satisfying meal full of all the nutrients..DELICIOUS IN TASTE AND HIGH IN QUALITY: Your dog will be grateful for every bite of these healthy and delicious meals. This Wet Dog food is made with the finest quality ingredients like real turkey meat protein, whole-grain carbohydrates, clarified chicken fat, and vitamin preservatives..VET-FORMULATED DOG MEAL: This meal has been vet-designed, which means your companion will need to eat much less to be full because they're getting all the nutrients they need. All our products undergo rigorous testing with to ensure quality and safety..DIGESTIVE SUPPORT FOR DOGS: Provide your furry friend with a daily dose of digestive support through our high-protein recipes. Treat your dog to a nutrient-dense and delicious snack that will make their tail wag with delight. Our carefully balanced ingredients are designed to promote activity, performance, and overall health for your beloved pet..BOOST YOUR PET'S HEALTH: The easy opening of the can makes it simple to pour and boost the performance level of your puppy. Specially made to avoid allergens and will Nourish the skin & coat of your dogs. Also, improve Gut Health, and Strengthen the Hip & joints.



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