Petlab Co. Wild Caught Salmon Dog Treats - Support Overall Health with Healthy Dog Treats. Packed with Beneficial Fatty Acids, Vitamins, & Minerals. Premium Ingredients - Delicious Reward


Powerful Ingredients - Made from 100% wild-caught salmon, a rich source of nutrients, to maintain good skin & coat conditions, a healthy immune system, and heart health.Flavorful Soft Treats for Dogs - PetLab Co. has created freeze-dried salmon treats for dogs that combine efficiency and flavor. Even the fussiest of pups will have a hard time turning down salmon. Watch them light up with these delicious treats.The Pawfect Partner – Did you know our Salmon Bites are a powerful companion to our best-selling Probiotic Chews? Combine the two and marvel at the benefits this two-step routine has for your dog’s gut, skin and coat!.Premium Product - Unlike many other brands our dog health supplies are exclusively manufactured in the USA utilizing safe, effective ingredients sourced in the US and globally.Invest in your Dog’s Health - Want a treat packed with fatty acids, vitamins & minerals? PetLab Co.’s Wild Caught Salmon Bites are the product for you. Subscribe and save today to join over 3 million dogs in the PetLab Co. family



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