STS 2.0 Body Parts Chest + Triceps Upper Body Strength Training Weightlifting DVD For Women and Men - Use For To Tone and Sculpt Your Chest and Triceps Muscles


About Cathe's STS 2.0 Body Parts Chest & Triceps Workout DVD - Cathe's STS 2.0 Body Parts Chest & Triceps takes the guesswork out of creating your own single-focus strength training workouts. These Chest (33 min.) & Triceps (36 min.) single-body part workouts for women and men are designed to be challenging and effective, so all you need to do is follow along.Targeted Muscle Development - One of the most significant benefits of single-body part strength training is the targeted muscle development that it provides. By focusing on a specific muscle group, you can isolate and train that muscle more effectively, leading to greater gains in strength and muscle size. For example, if you want to build a bigger chest, you can perform exercises like bench press, dumbbell flys, and push-ups to specifically target the chest muscles..Greater Training Intensity - When you perform single-body part workouts, you can train with greater intensity than you would during a full-body workout. This is because you can devote all your energy and focus on a specific muscle group, pushing yourself harder and achieving greater gains in strength and muscle size. By training with greater intensity, you can achieve your fitness goals more quickly and efficiently..More Focused Training - Single-body part strength training allows you to focus more specifically on your fitness goals. By selecting exercises that target specific muscle groups, you can tailor your workouts to meet your specific needs and preferences. For example, if you want to build bigger arms, you can focus on exercises like bench presses, tricep extensions, and kickbacks. This allows you to make progress in the areas that matter most to you..Includes STS 2.0 Body Parts Chest & Triceps - Includes 9 additional Cathe bonus workout Premixes with various time options to fit your busy schedule and so you will never get bored

