Whether you are cleaning your larger tank or need a temporary carrier for travel, the Imagitarium Temporary Holding Fish Habitat caters to your aquatic needs. This durable, easy-to-clean tank is ideal for use as a temporary fish tank in a wide variety of circumstances. The pet keeper can serve as a hospital or quarantine tank, a holding area for your fish while your perform maintenance on a larger tank, or as a moving tank to transport your fish to a new home. The carefully engineered lid features excellent ventilation, knock-outs for airline tubing, and a clear flip-top snap-shut window for feeding. With such fish-friendly features, the pet keeper makes a great temporary fish tank and must-have aquarium accessory. The pet keeper comes in a variety of sizes. The Imagitarium Temporary Holding Fish Habitat features a crystal clear base capped with an ocean blue, self-locking lid. Both are easy to clean and maintain.