Premium Kaya Kopi From Indonesia Wild Palm Civets Process Arabica Whole Coffee Beans Honey 10 Brown


About Kopi Luwak: To produce Kopi Luwak, coffee berries are eaten by wild Luwak cats. In the stomach of these animals, the berries encounter proteolytic enzymes, which react with the coffee bean to remove acidity and change the flavor profile. After the Luwak excretes the beans, the farmers from Kaya Kopi collect them. Then, the outer layer of each bean is removed, and the beans are carefully cleaned, sun-dried, and roasted. By the time you receive your Luwak coffee, it is 100 percent clean and safe to consume. Noticeably not bitter, Kaya Kopi Luwak is intensely aromatic with a complex flavor profile that is smooth, earthy, and sweet with a hint of chocolate. It is a taste no coffee fan should miss.


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