Wine Beer Testing Kit/Fermtech Beer Hydrometer and Test Jar/Thief All in One. Test Kit Deluxe by Fermtech


★ ALL IN ONE: This set contains Triple Scale Hydrometers and Fermtech Wine Thief..★ SPEED AND CONVENIENCE: Draw samples and take hydrometer reading at the same time. Avoid messy test jar that spill wine everywhere. Bring your testing to the 21st Century..★ EASY, SAFE AND ACCURATE: Measuring specific gravity from 0.99-1.17, brix/balling from 0-35 and potential alcohol by volume from 0%-20%, this essential proofer is easy to read and free of mercury, lead and other hazardous compounds. It’s your environmentally-friendly way to make pinpoint measurements of your home brew..★ HELP OUT YOUR HOMEBREWER: This triple scale hydrometer allows you to measure vital information on your home quickly and accurately, which means you can make different wine right at home with this set of tool.★ QUALITY AND FOOD SAFETY: Made in USA/Canada. Lead, Phospahate and BPA free.

